Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oh, so quotable.

Seriously, I’m going to be filthy rich off of the book I write with these quotes someday… thanks kids!!

In our journals today the kids were supposed to write about a place in the world that they would like to visit…

“I would like to go to paradise because paradise is a Beautiful plase. it is a sunny plase and a beach plase cool. And it is always sunny at the beach because of the sun. So you might not want to look at the sun.” (So… where exactly is paradise and can I go too? I promise not to look at the sun!)

“If I could visit any place in the world it would be China because its funny how they talk. And its weird that there not that tall. And what are all the holladays? What do anamails look like? Why is the money diffrent than ours?” (My favorite writer, the ranter. Good questions!)

“I’d like visit pennsylvaia soon. I’d like to see if Jack and Anny are rele. I wan to see if the magick tree house is rele. I want to see if I can take trip with them.” (The Magic Tree House series is a big deal in second grade. You’d be surprised how many kids wrote about visiting Pennsylvania.)

“I would like to visit new Yorke Citie becasu it is fun. New yourck cities is wird. I would play and play there. I would look arawd the playse.”  (I just love the spelling and how this boy tries so hard. He always gives a valiant effort.)

Today was also service day for our Catholic school system. As our service, my class spent about an hour making Halloween cards and decorations for a local nursing home. Here’s the aftermath (in lieu of many arts and crafts decorations).

“boo! Did that make you feel better?” (The kids don’t quite understand the concept of a nursing home. A few of them wrote “get well soon.”)

“Have a monsober Halloween.” (He told me it was like in the commercial, Monstober? Monster + October? I don’t know!)

And my personal favorite…
 “Happy Halloween! It’s ok if your old.” (This kid had drawn a picture (a very artistic picture- seriously it was good!) of headstones in a cemetery and wanted to know how to spell graveyard. I just about lost it laughing. Instead my rockstar teacher and I suggested he finish the card with, “God loves you I’m told.” That way it’s a poem? Haha)

Today on lunch duty…
Kindergartener 1, “Hey! There’s another one of you around here!”
Me, “What do you mean?”
Kindergartener 1, “There’s another girl with your face. You have the same face…”
Me, “Oh… another student?”
Kindergartener 2, “She means Mrs. Frayyeeelick!”
That teacher is the 1st grade teacher and although we both have brown hair, we don’t look much alike. So I laughed and winked at Kindergartener 1… and she winked right back. I can’t make this stuff up people!!

“Can I marry chicken?” Uhhhhm, no.

In science today, we made a KWL (what we Know, Want to know, and Learned) chart. The topic plants. Here's what the kids want to know. 

“Do plants ever get stomachaches?“ (No comment, just laughter at this question. So cute and innocent. Great thinking :))

“Do plants, like flowers really move when they grow? Because actually I have never seen a flower move.” (Valid, I’ve never seen it either!)

Summary from the teacher lady: day 3.
I am so behind today that I don’t even have time for a summary! I’ve got math and science lessons to plan for tomorrow, track practice to get to, and a Praxis II test (one of the tests I’m required to pass before I can become a licensed teacher) to study for!! I realized last night that I have 6 days to study for my test and 115 pages to review. Cool. If you don’t hear much from me in the next few days, that’s why.

Until later (hopefully tomorrow)…
Peace, love, and headaches,


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