Friday, September 6, 2013


This has been one of the longest short weeks ever (curse you full school days). I really have nothing else to say. (Insert gasps of shock and awe here!) This girl is ready for the weekend.


And keep your fingers crossed that it goes well for me…. Whatever that may entail.

As a parting gift, I will share with you the two most hilarious responses that I received from asking my students to journal about the things they would like to learn in Spanish class. First, understand that most of my students responded that they would like to learn the ABCs. Which is kind of silly because it’s much like our alphabet but with different sounds and a few bonus letters (difficult and mostly unnecessary). Anyway, a couple of my boys had hysterical answers…

“I’d like to know what 2 + 24= ? in Spanish?” -Uhmmmm okay, but why? Where did that even come from?

and my absolute favorite….

“In Spanish I wont to lorn abaw waffles and the sun.” -A valiant effort on spelling, and honestly I’m impressed, you nailed the most important word (priorities). I really don’t know what I would teach about waffles… but it has potential to be awesome.

And the best part is, he is totally serious. I suppose we could maybe learn about breakfast food… YUM.

Until next week,
Peace, love, and espaƱol,