Thursday, November 14, 2013

Just a-workin away…

Today the kids finished up the final pieces of their ITBS. Yippee! That means tomorrow will be a normal day of school! The testing is over! I will have things to do tomorrow! I spent today just a-workin away on silly little things. Organizing my desk (for when I have to pack it up in 2 weeks), making copies for next week, taking down bulletin boards, doing (a little bit of… I’m so unmotivated) my lesson plan summaries for my electronic portfolio, and things of the like.

Even though it’s been a little boring, it’s been a great day.

The kids are (mostly) good. Lunch time was filled (literally 20 minutes worth) with laughter. There was coffee and cookies in the lounge this morning! And Mrs. Davis left a little early today so I got to cover and actually teach (head teacher lady status) for the afternoon. Yippee!

It’s exciting to be wrapping up and getting back to real life, even if the impending (doom?) reality of real life is mostly unknown after this semester. I suppose that’s the thrilling part. And it will be nice to catch up with my friends. I realized today that I haven’t really talked to my best friend in over a month. Granted she is full teacher lady status and 1500 miles away, but still! It will be awesome to be back in the loop again. Sorry to all of you that I’ve been neglecting (I swear it wasn’t purposeful)!

I can’t think of a better way to welcome myself back to the real world than by surrounding myself by friends and family over Thanksgiving break! You know who you are! Let’s get together please J.

And with those plans made, I bid you adieu.

Until tomorrow…
Peace, love, and the final countdown (ten days),
