Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Rough Day Indeed. Plus Bonus Friday Eve.

Hump day was not a fun time in second grade. At least yesterday afternoon wasn’t. After a fun morning of reading groups and snow spelling (writing our words on our desks in shaving cream), we struggled to follow rules in the afternoon. Two of my students got in trouble for kicking another girl on the playground even after she asked them to stop. Another student (who is constantly vying for attention of any kind) spent the entire math lesson twisting and turning and playing with his coin manipulatives. Instead of chastising him, I simply put his name on the board and talked to him during recess time. He, along with the other two students wrote notes home to their parents (only 1 cried). In their notes, they explained their behavior and why it was not acceptable. They then had to take their notes home, get them signed and return them today. Woof. I know it’s a rough consequence for a second grader, but they will only be as responsible as we treat them. Obviously, we have high standards for the kids.

Luckily today has been a better day. After yesterday’s afternoon shenanigans, I had track practice, lifting, and Boyfriend came to visit. We went to cheer on BCVB in their last regular season game, and then came home and just did nothing. It was glorious actually, but the blog life was one of the last things on my mind. Oops.

On to today (Thursday, November 7th as my students would write it).

Today was a really fun day for me because my teacher spent most all of the day out of the room. I know (Hey Miss Specht! Know is one of our spelling words!) that I have been teaching everything for 5 weeks now, but today was the first day that I was really by myself. No other teacher ladies. Just Miss Specht (the adult?) and seventeen little cherubs. Here’s the best news… No one died, and we all learned things :). I realize that died sounds a little dramatic, but I couldn’t use cried because I did have a crier today. He was upset that I kept him in for laying his head on his desk (literally) all afternoon. Whatever. Do the crime, do the time (your recess is MINE). Kind of catchy isn’t it? That gives me an idea for a blog segment… rhymes heard ‘round the classroom. Enjoy!

“You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.”

“Dot, dot, not a lot.” (For when we glue things.)

“Qué pasa calabaza? Nada, nada limónada.”

Capisce? Capisce! (That’s how I ask my kids if they understand or not. It’s hilarious.)

We say a whole lot of other cutsie sing songy things but I can’t remember what they are now. Ask me sometime!

And now, an excerpt from a second grader’s journal. The prompt was to write about what it would be like if they could build their own library. Responses were hilarious, but I only had time to write down one. (That’s what being an actual busy teacher lady and having to leave right after school (for track practice) will do to you.)

“My library would have twenty-nine flors of books. I will be strong. I will build a library so kibs can build stamina. love books I say.”

:) Those cuties always make me smile. On that note, I’m off to the library to finish my final reflection on student teaching. Did you catch that? Final Reflection. GAH! Wish me luck!

Until tomorrow… (ish)

Peace, love, and inconsistent blogging,
