Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The First Week

It's official! It's been one week! Does that mean I'm a real certified experienced teacher lady? I think it does! So that's kind of cool... :)

It's been a whirlwind of a week setting the second grade rules and routines, laying down the law, starting curriculum, and (of course) beginning of the year testing. Things are going pretty well... despite the fact that I have 25 students all to myself all day long and that I feel as though I'm constantly running around with my head half attached. (Hence why the blog has been so quiet!) While I hear that it's normal, I still feel incredibly stressed out. Sometimes I'm even stressed about things that I don't know about. One easy solution so far has been to let things go 80% over my head. That sounds bad, huh? But the truth is that (for all you new/aspiring teachers out there) a lot of what they tell you (and what I stress about) does NOT and cannot be done asap (which is the way I like to do things). Also, there are just too many things and not enough hours in the day to get them done. At some point, you have to A. ask for help and then B. just stop. Both of those things are easier said than done... but I am trying :) 

Alright, enough of bearing my soul... Let's lighten things up with some things said and heard around the classroom!

Me: "Class?"
Class: "yes?"
Me: "Class, class?"
Class: "Yes, yes?"
So simple and so stinking cute. And effective as an attention getter!

"Miss Specht, she said that I'm not funny and that makes me sad because I like to be funny."

Written in a journal... "My famliy is funy. They are jenerus." 

"In Mr. L's class, he lets us watch videos during snack time" "In first grade, Mr. L has us sanitize before we go to lunch." "Mr. L got a class pet." To which I respond, "Well I'm Miss Specht and this is second grade." 

Finally, one of my students has a parent who teaches 5th grade in the school. His dad, let's call him Mr. C had been asking me about our online reading testing because he wants his son to start reading and working at home. This morning he told me about the conversation that he had with his son about his online reading test. 
Mr C, "So son, how did your reading test go?"
Son/My Student, "Uhh I don't think it went very well."
Mr. C, "why not?"
Son/My Student, "Because I had to guess on a lot of my answers."
Mr. C, "Why did you guess on your answers?"
Son/My Student "Well it was either that or poop my pants!"
(My student had asked to go to the bathroom about 5 minutes in to the test, but it is timed so I couldn't let him leave!)
Mr. C, "Still you shouldn't have just guessed!"
Mrs. C, "Maybe you should have done a little of both!"

That's all for school news so far. How about some personal news?

The date is set! July 18th, 2015 I will officially give my heart, hand, and everything else to my wonderful fiancé :) Some details are planned... but who are we kidding, I haven't had much time for that!

Before I wrap it up for this post, I need to give a few shout outs! 

First, to my fiancĂ©, for all of your help. For coming to my classroom, encouraging me through tough days, doing all of the things that I forget to do and for loving me long time. You da best. 

To my parents, because I am nothing without you two.

To my fellow teachers who are helpful in more ways than I can possibly describe. I look forward to seeking your expertise and sharing your friendship for many years :) 

Finally, to all of you readers and supporters. Thank you for asking me about school and life. Thank you for staying updated and for just being you.

Until next time...
Peace, love, and 2nd grade,