Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It's All About Stamina

Today, my students are working very hard on building stamina. I realized that we are building stamina in more than just reading (as I typically think of building stamina for.) So naturally, I googled the definition of stamina…

stamina |ˈstamənə|
the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.

Huh. I guess that I never thought about it before, but my students are constantly building stamina… stamina in reading, in listening, in participating, in following directions. (Especially in listening and following directions- a few of my students are real space cadets.) As 7 and 8 year olds, learning to do all of these things must require a TON of physical AND mental effort. My students, although they are sometimes fidgety and disruptive and stubborn and silly in class are working very hard. Cuties.

As a student teacher, I am also building stamina. Stamina in patience, in planning, in teaching :) I feel like I can relate to my students on giving a ton of physical and mental effort… lately I have been exhausted! The trouble is finding a balance of life at elementary school and life at college. Being gone from campus all the time makes me feel like I never see anyone! I have been making an effort to visit friends and attend campus events (Shoutout to my undefeated BCU volleyball team!!! I’m glad ya’ll have been playing so well in the hot, hot heat of the NFC!) while I still have time! Soon I might be too busy for much besides planning and teaching… I guess time will tell!

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… Questions, comments, and concerns from the desk in the back corner of the class. (That’s ME!)

Question: What’s with all the flies?

There is a fly problem in my school. Not from the kitchen. Not from open windows. From open barn doors. That’s right, my second grade boys have a serious need for the acronym XYZ (eXamine Your Zipper). There are multiple offenders who waltz out of the bathroom everyday still tucking in their uniform shirts (seriously, adorable) with their flies wideeee open. I’m talking all the way down. No need to worry folks, I’ve taken to sending them right back in and/or quietly (you know that can be hard for me) telling them to check their zippers. Hopefully the boys will be able to figure this one out soon.

Comment: The cutest journal sentence that I read today…

I like to sing and date.

My students have been instructed to underline words when they are unsure of spelling.  When I asked my student to read the sentence, she clearly said, “I like to sing and dance.” Oh, so close. Perhaps I should start saying the same about myself… “hello, my name is Jayna and I like to sing and date.” I’ll keep you all updated on how well that one goes.

Concern: Tomorrow my rockstar teacher is abandoning me! Okay, not really, but she is going to be gone. Which means we have a substitute teacher. Which means I will be expected to maintain order, routine, and general sanity in the classroom. For an entire day. (Oops, half day- early out!) Time to act like a real teacher lady! Wish me luck!

Peace, love, and 85-degree school hallways,

Ps- I hope that you all enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it. It’s like twitter, but with endless characters. So much better :)

Pps- Special shout out to all the lovely ladies who have let me raid their closets in search of teacher outfits. Regan, Monica, and Brooke- yous da best.