"I suck at blogging."
"School was long today."
"Whyyyyyy am I still awake?"
"Mom is gonnna kill me for not blogging this week..."
"I really need to get my hair done."
"I am so excited to be on BCU's homecoming royalty!"
"I am actually really, really excited because I like every single person on court and it's going to be really fun!!!"
"Yeah, my hair definitely needs to be done before next week."
"I can't believe I'm a senior!!!" <-- Happy/excited
"I can't believe I'm a senior!!" <-- Sad/distraught/confused
"My roommates look homeless."
"I love my roommates."
"Where is Monica?" (roomie missing!!)
"What am I going to wear tomorrow?"
"Can I wear colored jeans to school??" (Gonna do it.)
"Gosh my kids were sassy today."
"I really like this eye shadow."
"Why am I still awake."
"I miss Dingus. And La Reg. And SouthDakotaDeb and SouthDakotaDan."
"My lessons are going really well!!"
"Where are all these rolly polly bugs coming from?"
"Are they falling from the ceiling?"
"...I should really go to bed."
"I'm actually going to be a real teacher lady. I can totally do this."
"I don't know if I can actually do this."
"HOW/WHY do people do this?!"
"Thank God we have conferences next week and only have 3 days with kids..."
"HOLY CRAP- we have conferences next week."
"My bed looks comfy."
"I'm gonna go to my bed.... Goodnight!!!"
Peace, love, and sleep sweet,