Monday, June 23, 2014

Slowly But Surely

Hello again!
This whole summer blogging thing is really throwing me off. I don't know if I apologize for not writing often enough or if I should shout SURPRISE! because you really never know when the next one's coming... smile and wave, my faithful readers ;)

Today is already June 22nd. JUNE 22. WHOA! Where has all the time gone? Holy moly I can hardly believe it. I feel like the school year is sneaking up on me... but luckily, slowly but surely, I am getting ready. One of the first steps I've taken in getting ready is revisiting my classroom! Eeek!! Last week my Momma, baby dingus sissy, and I drove up to tackle the classroom. After a quick stop for some supplies we entered my (clean! Thanks janitor guys!) classroom and began where I left off... cleaning out/organizing all the cool crap, I mean supplies that a previous teacher left for me. :) My Momma, a former teacher, was really struggling with my decisions to throw things away. "Jayna, really?! You can't throw away all these pipe cleaners and cotton balls! What if you need them?! These beads... uh. You're killing me. I can't believe you're doing this." Okay, so she did talk me into keeping a few things, but those things are now organized and stashed away in the cupboard, ready for the year.

Next, we got to do the fun part! Bulletin boards! I know it's early, but we went out and bought some fabric to start decorating for my owl/nature themed room (yes it's been decided!). I found the CUTEST owl fabric to cover one of my boards. And although I was seriously tempted to cover my room is pinks and purples (it is MY room after all...) I remembered that I will have quite a few little boys in my classroom and decided to go for a bright blue and some green instead. I took some pictures, so I suppose I could let you see for yourselves! Here's the 360* view...

 A beautifully (staged) picture of my baby sissy and Boyfriend who also came up to help arrange the room :) This is the back of the classroom!

 I rearranged (and by that I mean Boyfriend did) the back corner of the classroom to give my desk(s) some space! I still need to find some cute curtains for my windows. Suggestions welcome!

 This picture shows the side of my room... not exactly arranged the way I want yet. I'm thinking about designing a tree in that corner behind the TV as one of my next projects. Fingers crossed that hanging things from the ceiling doesn't break fire code!

 The front of the classroom. Ahhh... needs some work still :) 

This corner holds cubbies and all of our designated math manipulatives. Also, notice the science Foss materials on top of the shelves. You heard it here folks, Miss Specht is a science teacher. 

Finally, the last picture! Those cupboards are much more empty than they were when I first moved in, but there is still good stuff in there. I'm fortunate to have so much storage space. Guess that means I'll have to get more "teacher things" to fill it up with :) 

I know it's still going to take a lot of work, but I am already feeling so much better about my room. (I'm such a worrier.) I'm just happy to know that it's going to get done, and then I can focus on curriculum (that's important, right?) ;). 

Until I get to the curriculum part, I plan to busy myself with classroom projects such as
  • designing a reading space
  • making little seats for that space
  • a tree!
  • spray painting my inherited classroom supplies to match
  • acquiring small things like lamps and rugs to make my room more "homey"
  • organizing my books (I've inherited a gazillion)
  • deciding where/what to put on my bulletin boards
  • scouring the internet for (free) owl/nature resources

There is lots to do, and seemingly lots of time to do it! But I know that the rest of the summer will go by fast. Although work keeps me busy, I also feel like it sucks all my time. Especially Fridays and Saturdays. While everyone else is all "Yeeee! Weekend!!"I'm like "Welcome to the park, let me grab my day hiking fanny pack and lead you down a trail, on an adventure, where we can discuss nature and every cool fact I've learned over the past 4 summers here." I do love my job :) I'm also excited to start at school... as a real life teacher lady. But first, I've got some fun things to do!
  • Joe Nichols concert
  • sand volleyball tournament
  • Colorado road trip
  • Family vacation to WI

More updates on all that fun stuff later :) That's all for now!

Until next time...
Peace, love, and big plans, 