Ready for the ramblings of an exhausted, emotional, overly sarcastic teacher? I've missed blogging and although I don't have anything really logical to say, I might as well just update ya on life!
First for school.
School has been kind of blah lately. I am planning fun stuff, like activities for today, which was the 100th day of school. The kids have interesting perceptions of how their lives will be at 100. Ha. Mostly though, the kids are seemingly "over it." And by "it" I mean everything. They hardly even want to play our class games anymore. They are constantly talking and it's driving me nuts. I don't want to take away recesses, nor do I want to spend my planning time sitting with kids but the rudeness of talking has GOT to stop. Wish me luck. The bonus fun news with my kids is that we made a bet on the superbowl. Haha! The bet includes the following: the winning team betters get to chew gum (provided by Miss Specht), line up first (all day), and get full out bragging rights (for a week). Knowing that I am clearly cheering for the Seahawks, 17 of my students chose to bet on them. 6 brave souls bet on the Patriots. 1 student opted out of the bet. Monday should be a fun time!
Now for things that are NOT school. Because who even likes that grown up, responsible stuffs. anyway.... on to wedding plans! Cody's words, "We're gonna get maaawwwwiedddd!" And it's true!
Here are the things we have DONE:
Church booked
Reception location booked
Dress bought... and arrived!
Shoes ordered (or I can't alter the dress)
DJ booked
Cake baker booked
Florist on lock
Swatches for bridesmaid dress colors ordered. Regency? Or grape? Uhhmm?
Guest list planned
Save the dates sent (although we opted not to send to the entire guest list)
Budget made... and so far adhered to
Limo booked
Marriage retreat weekend booked
Photographer booked
Invitations and programs priced out
Reception music picked
Centerpieces bought
Wedding day schedule sketched out
Bridal shower in the works
Weekend for bachelorette party planned
Diet and workout routine started
LORD. 6 months to go! It's crazy!
Still on the to do list (in the near future):
Register... once we figure out how/what we want/need
Book honeymoon
Any advice on those two items would be highly appreciated! I was very lucky to have a whole day and night with just me and my momma last weekend. We finally got to go through all sorts of wedding stuff, talk, and just be together. It was the greatest thing. Life gets too busy so quickly. In addition to all of my new years goals (see: New Year, New Blog Post) I'm trying to keep life in the moment. Which is super challenging when I'm constantly planning for the future.... literally with my job and personal life. But last weekend was an amazing time to just be with my mom, and the rest of my family when they eventually showed up :). It goes faster than you think!
And with that, I'll leave you with my musical selections for the night. They are surprises, so choose a picture or two and click on them to find out which songs have been the soundtrack to my life lately.
The glass slipper song has had me in tears twice in the past week. Thanks for that surprise, radio.

Finally, the bird song is a classic I get stuck in my head from time to time and that came up while discussing wedding reception music...
I hope you took some time to enjoy my own personal musical interlude. Until next time readers...
Peace, love, and good music,