Have you ever woken up one day and thought to yourself,
“Self, today is not such a good day”? Today was one of those days. For those of
you who know me, this is definitely not my style. I’m more of the eternal
annoying optimist…. But that was just not the case today. Wrong side of the
bed? Maybe. But I was determined to go to school and shake it off. However, one
of my kids today was simply obnoxious. There
is no other word for it. The secretary and another teacher reprimanded him
before he even got in the room at 8 am. He just bothered me. He didn’t want to
work. He talked back. I gave him 5 minutes and tried to ignore him. But this
nonsense went on almost all day. Even when he wasn’t talking, he was doing
something annoying like pulling up his pant leg to check out his knee. (Like,
WHAT are you doing?!) I’m not saying that I let an 8 year old ruin my day, but
he definitely didn’t make it any better. Gah. TGIF.
On that note, it’s time to go shake off the day with a long
run and a (hopefully fun, relaxing) weekend.
I’ll leave you with some adorable things found in my kids’
journals today…
“I like my
family because they care about me. I love my family when they love me not hayte
me. But every budy knows there just doing there jobe as a parint. I love my
family because they chere me up wine ever i’m sad.” (Someone definitely got a
talking to at home. Kids don’t just come up with this stuff on their own!)
“icksdid” (Excited. Enough said.)
Until Monday…
Peace, love, and feeling blahhhh,