Wednesday, November 20, 2013


“Hey Miss Specht, Wednesday sounds like W-e-n-s-d-a-y but it’s really W-e-d-n-e-s-d-a-y.” Sometimes all you can do is smile at those little stinkers.

This Wednesday though, I have some terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad news (Alexander anyone?). And that news is that I am no longer in charge of journaling. Which means no more hilarious student journal entries. (Insert wails of mourning and sorrow here. Those journal entries were pure gold.) It also means that I have a lot of free time, which is awesome because I have spent it observing at other levels. Today I went over to the other site and observed a 4th grade during their literacy block. It was actually kind of cool. The kids are a lot more independent and are able to get a lot done. As a result, they got to work independently on some pretty cool and creative projects. (I am NOT a turkey project, worth googling!)

I’m not decided yet what I think about upper elementary or the potential of teaching them. Most of my experience is in 2nd grade and I really do like it, but I think that I would also like older kids. They are much more “with it”. They understand sarcarsm (not that sarcasm is important to me or anything… ). It seems like lower elementary is physically exhausting, while upper elementary (I’m thinking mostly 5th grade) would be more emotionally exhausted. Those kids have a lot going on that they don’t even understand. I’m not sure how committed I am to getting into all of that. Luckily, I’ve got plenty of (kinda) time to think about it before I start applying for jobs. GAH. Time will tell :)

Speaking of time, it’s time for me to go spend some with Boyfriend (who came down to visit tonight. He is encouraging me to ignore him for a while to write the blog. What a sweetie!).

Until tomorrow…
Peace, love, and week night dates,


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