Wednesday, December 3, 2014


November, you slippery snake! I just realized that the whole month passed by and I didn't even blog. Not once. That makes me pretty sad. I'M SORRY! I thought about blogging, but cripes it's been busy. At this point I'm not sure that it will ever be less busy.... Although I would welcome some more free time! So here's what I, daughter, sister, fiance, friend, rookie teacher extraordinaire, shower singer, and partially lazy bum Jayna have been up to. (In chronological order.)

  • Finace and I put up a Christmas tree
  • Bridesmaid dress shopping (unsuccessfully so far)
  • Teaching... oh wait, that's daily!
  • A Silvernail road trip to KC for a Seahawks/Chiefs game
  • Wedding planning. Guest list= check!
  • Thanksgiving at home with the family and family-to-be
  • My second formal observation
Okay, looking back on my list it seems like maybe I wasn't super busy during November. At least not with actually doing things. I think the problem is that my brain is alwayyyys going, going, going. If it's not school, it's wedding. Then there's family, friends, and the holidays coming up. Enough of me complaining, we're all busy. Seriously though, if anyone would like to do my Christmas shopping you're more than welcome to. 

Picture time :) First of all, this is why we journal

 Check out this improvement! I'm so proud :) My class journals every morning and although it's more work for me, the trade off of improvement for in the kids' writing and the value of how much I learn about them makes it totally worth it.

Progress makes me smile :) As I mentioned before, today was my second formal evaluation. Like by the principal while I'm teaching. I think that it went pretty well, at least I thought our lesson today was awesome! The kids got to partner read, answered questions, compared and contrasted between two stories. They were so, SO good. Everyone has had awesome behavior since Thanksgiving break. Thank goodness because MAN, we all needed a break. 

Speaking of breaks, we've got another coming up in T- 14 school days. Not that I'm counting or anything. Here's a sneak peak of other things I'm counting down for.

22 days until KAT IS HERE!!!
I have not seen that woman in a year and a half. It's about time by girl other half and I had a little rendezvous. Long distance relationships are hard. Although I would trade our LDR for any friendship in the world. 

226 days until I take on a new last name!!!
That's right people... wedding! WOOO!!! Now if I could just get everything planned already. Hmm. 

One step at a time friends. Until next time... 

Peace, love, and the worst blogger ever, 