Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Summation: A Celebration

Student teaching is over. Let me repeat that. Student teaching is over. Wow. I made it! And I did well! I can't believe how quickly the semester flew by… And that I only have one left. Life, you little sneak. There you go again blowing my mind and making me grow up...

Anyway, the last day of school went well. Like I said before, I was seriously tired (too much late night celebrating on Tuesday) all day, but the kids were great. They are sweethearts who showered me with a celebration of cookies and juice boxes. They also gave me well wishes and cute cards and gifts. They enjoyed their book marks which were coupled with sour gummy worms (book worm, gummy worms… catch my drift?). By far, the best gift of all was from my rockstar teacher. She assembled (with the help of the kids) a photo album complete with class pictures, action shots of me teaching, notes and illustrations from each student. It was so sweet. I think we are all going to miss each other very much…. even though I plan on going in sometime this week. Why, you may ask? To (finally) receive, read, and return letters to our elusive Nevada pen pals. Cripes. I'm glad we are getting all the writing and USPS (and secretary) details worked out before trying to be real pen pals next year! (That means YOU Miss v!)

Now that student teaching is over, I am taking some time to relax. I thoroughly enjoyed the company of each of my (crazy) extended family members over Thanksgiving break :). I LOVE having everyone together… even if we take up a row and a half at the movies or basketball games or wherever we decide to go. I also got to spend time with Boyfriend's family. It was nice to see them all… they even joked that I was "grandfathered in" and thus they were not trying to impress me anymore. I think that's a good thing!

Now it's on to relaxing via hanging out on campus for the next 2 weeks. The only obligation I have is daily track practice. In theory, it sounds amazing… I will let you know how long it takes before I get BORED. Hopefully I can find somewhere to work (and get paid… darn student teaching!).

Speaking of "letting you know"… The time has come to decided what to do with All Things That Glitter. I created this blog for the sole purposes of entertaining and keeping family and friends up to date on the daily life of my student teacher self. However, since I'm no longer a student teacher, I'm a little torn on what to do! I'm not going to have things to write about every day. Let's face it, I'm back to being a boring college student. I can't just pull in adorable 7 year old writing if I'm out of things to say anymore! But I do think that I'm going to keep the blog. I will update it occasionally. So hopefully ya'll will stay tuned for more updates.

Until then… here's some photos of real life: Jayna Lu edition.

 Da boys.

 I meant what I said about taking up entire rows!

 The two newest (and cutest!) little sweethearts. 

 Getting him to hold still for this one was a challenge :) 

 Frozen! Maybe not outside, but definitely in theaters!

Always remember to take silly pictures too. This one is definitely accurate :)

Thanks again (and as always) for reading.

Peace, love, and a questionable blogging future, 