Thursday, October 17, 2013

Just Your Average Thursday

2 weeks full teaching down, 2 (ish) to go.

Today was literally just your average Thursday. It was awesome. Seriously, it’s so nice to get back into the swing of things. Part of being a teacher lady (apart from being flexible) is living for the structure and schedules. (It’s that liiiiiittle bit of my type A personality.)

Anyway, you may ask yourself, “Self. Just what is this crazy Jayna semi-teacher-lady even teaching those darn kids?” Well folks. Here it is, a glimpse into what we did at school today.

Thursday Oct 16

·      Journal
·      Show and Tell
·      Finish Farm Pictures
·      Guidance- bathroom break
·      Reading work
o   Read with partner
o   Read to self
o   Word work proofreading with spelling words
o   Read at the table with Miss Specht
·      Lunch
·      Religion- Ch. 4 Prayers of Celebration, Praise and Thanks
·      Science- review parts of a plant (roots, stem, leaves, flower)
·      PE
·      Math- Estimation
·      Cherry Pie Spelling game
·      Afternoon recess
·      Dismissal

This is what the kids made for their science review today...

And here’s another sneak peak into our journaling today. The kids reflected on their farm trip.

“My favorite part at the farm was the hayride. Because I got to sit in the front the tires look like there going fast. But you are going slow but it looks like your going fast. I almost fell off because when he swiched gears my body went forward and it was fun going on the corn because it was a litille bumpe and I liked it when it tillted because it kind moved you to the right and the left.”

… and now, a bonus blip into my personal life.

Here’s what my room looked like earlier tonight.


Just kidding, it’s pretty neat actually. Just not in the organizational way.

Well loyal readers, I’m out until tomorrow.
Peace, love, and surprise visitors,

Ps- Have fun wondering who the surprise visitor is :)