Friday, May 30, 2014

A Brand New Day! (Which was actually yesterday... Oops!)

Hello again blog world! It's been so long since we've seen the light of day together! And I figured that today might be a good day to post beeeecaaauuuussseeeeeeeee.... I GOT MY NEW CLASSROOM TODAY!

Wait. What?

Let's back up a bit. Since I've last posted, lots of things have happened. Mainly, I GRADUATED!
 See? Got my Derploma! Just kidding :) 

But for real! It happened!!

Also, I GOT HIRED! At a school! For real life! In a second grade. So that means a couple of things... As of August:
1. I am moving.
2. I will be commuting!
3. I will have a new roommate :) A high school friend to add to my long list of awesome roommates!
4. I will be teaching second grade in one of four classes, at a school of about 550 next year. (Woofta, big girl job!!)

Now you're all caught up... Kinda. As much as I'm going to refresh ya'll on anyway.

Flash forward to today. I am here, at my school, in my classroom, on my computer, blogging. Pictures to follow... like right now! 


(Notice Boyfriend.. he came up to help me organize, clean, and move heavy stuffs. Also notice boyfriend's scrubs... he got hired for a real big boy hospital job! So proud!)

...side to side!
It looks nice, but people hear me out: That room is chalk full of STUFF. Another (very experienced) teacher's old stuff. Which is cool, but also kind of a pain because I have to go through and organize things, decide what I might use and what to throw away. The cabinets pictured below were literally PACKED with stuff. Most of which has been thrown out. Lots of which was cerca 1962-1989. (I tossed out an old tape player (we don't have tapes anymore) and an ancient record player. Children's nursery rhyme records included and all.) That's older than me, it had to go! Today was a good start, but my room is going to take a lot of TLC before I really feel comfortable with it... Like it's actually mine. All in time!

So there's the official update! Yippee! While I'm thinking about it, here's a quick synopsis of the past 6 months that we (the blog life) missed!

  • A fantastic Christmas Vacation.
  • A whole semester of taking boring college classes. People, I'm talking required 400 level and other 100 level classes that I conveniently "overlooked" for 3.5 years... Yuck.
  • A KC trip with Boyfriend to see a Jason Aldean concert. SO FUN!
  • A super awesome indoor track season in which I qualified for Nationals in the 400 and 600 m dashes. I went and competed in the 600, finishing 15th. 
  • A relaxing spring break trip to AZ with some lovely college ladies.
  • An Antioch retreat. (Go God! haha) 
  • Applying to and interviewing for numerous elementary positions, and accepting one :).
  • BCU Spring Formal! 
  • Outdoor track season... less successful than indoor, but I still achieved some personal records!
  • A trip to WI with Boyfriend. 
  • A Timeflies Tuesday concert with my middle Sissy.
  • Easter Break.
  • Boyfriend's graduation, my graduation, both our 22nd birthdays, many friend's and both of my sissy's birthdays, and two friend's weddings.
  • Senior week filled with life-long friends, cold drinks, good food, and most importantly, many priceless memories. 
Sheesh, I have been a little busy. Of course, the madness doesn't stop now... I am spending the summer working for my parents and at the State Park. Which basically means that I get to either answer phones and surf the net or play outside with campers all day. (And get paid for it.) It's awesome! Luckily (and kind of unluckily), for the first time in a long time I'm not a competitive athlete. That means I have nothing to train for, and really no game plan for workouts (and actual free time. Weird). It's probably a blessing in disguise because I've been nursing a foot injury since January, but I still HATE sitting around and not working out. Gah, I just feel so yucky. I'm trying to stay active by biking, hiking, and rollerblading... but there may also be some INSANITY in my near future. I will keep you updated. 

It's late o'clock now folks, so I'm off to bed. Thanks for reading and welcome back :) I'm so glad to be blogging again! 

Until next time... 
Peace, love, and summer lovin,