Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Ugly Truth

 SPOILER ALERT: Student teaching is not all fun and games. Definitely not. At all. It’s hard. You have to jump through a lot of hoops. You are still a guest in someone else’s classroom although you are technically in control of it. Student teaching is full of trials, tribulations, and triumphs. It’s expected that we, as teacher candidates, struggle. It’s also expected that we thrive, even if some nights we cry over lessons gone wrong or overwhelming stress. Such is the norm in the life and future career we are preparing to embrace. And such are the feelings reflected in my blog. So there’s that.

Today, was one of those “overwhelming stress” days that I was referring to. It’s ten o’clock at night (aka late o’clock) and I am just finally sitting down to relax for the day. I’ve been running from school, to education department meetings, to coaches, to off campus parties (not the fun, 21 year old kind), to the Y, to pick up dinner, and now I’m home. Needless to say, it’s been a rough day. (Insert deep breath here.) Tomorrow I will plan for next week. All of it. Even if it means skipping track practice, which I really don’t want to. But I will.

Growing up sucks.

But teaching does have its perks. Like reading hilarious journals that literally make me laugh out loud and other entries that melt my heart.

“I like to play football with Sean, Jonny, and Jake. Teams are normaly me and Jake agianst. Sean and Jonny. Sometimes its me and Jonny on a team. Agianst Sean and Jake. One time we played me and Sean aginst Jake and Jonny. That wasnt fair at all.” (Alright Mr. Athleticism, I see you working. :))

“I like to play with Nora. She is my best friend. Do you have a best friend at coleg. I hope you have friends. Do you have 10 or 1 best friend?” (What a sweetie. She’s worried that I don’t have friends… with good reason maybe. Teaching doesn’t leave much time for friends at the moment!)

Alright friends (wait, I do have friends! My readers!) , I’m out. It’s time to write out the full plan for tomorrow and to fill in the details of a (hopefully) super cool Spanish lesson. Let’s do thissssss!!

Until tomorrow,
Peace, love, and reality checks,

Ps- Sorry Mom.